Marriage Amendment/Same
Sex Marriage
Psychologists Join the
Gay Marriage Bandwagon
by Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr.
August 4, 2004
total capitulation to the homosexual agenda, the American Psychological
Association has endorsed same-sex marriage and now calls for the
complete acceptance of homosexual partnerships and homosexual adoption.
In a sweeping resolution, the professional organization for psychologists
provided ample evidence that the group is now practicing politics
rather than psychology.
Meeting in Honolulu, the APA Council of Representatives
adopted the recommendation of its Working Group on Same-Sex Families
and Relationships. The resolution adopted by the organization reiterates
the APA's decision in 1975 to declare that "homosexuality is
neither a form of mental illness nor a symptom of mental illness."
Further, "taken together, the evidence clearly supports the
position that the social stigma, prejudice, discrimination, and
violence associated with not having a heterosexual orientation and
the hostile and stressful social environments created thereby, adversely
affect the psychological, physical, social, and economic well-being
of lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals."
Throwing aside millennia of moral wisdom, the APA
resolution declared "that it is unfair and discriminatory to
deny same-sex couples legal access to civil marriage and to all
its attendant benefits, rights, and privileges."
This most recent atrocity from the APA provides
further evidence of the fact that the profession of psychology,
along with its allied fields, is now totally committed to values
that are at odds with the convictions of mainstream Americans. More
importantly, this resolution and its ideological underpinnings demonstrate
that the modern psychotherapeutic worldview is directly at odds
with the biblical worldview of Christianity.
The endorsement of homosexuality by the American
Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association
is a sad tale of political capitulation and ideological warfare--all
disguised as scientific progress. Until 1973, the therapeutic community
considered homosexuality to be a mental disorder. Of course, this
represented a huge challenge to the homosexual movement and its
demands for the total normalization of homosexual behavior.
Accordingly, a cadre of determined activists set
their sights on reversing the policy positions of both the American
Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association.
The psychiatrists fell first, voting in 1973 to remove homosexuality
from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders,
its official list of mental illnesses. In other words, one day homosexuality
was considered to be a mental disorder, the next day it was not.
So much for medical science.
Ronald Bayer traces the development of this decision
in Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis.
Bayer recounts the successful effort by homosexual activists to
bring political intimidation and ideological pressure upon the American
Psychiatric Association, eventually coercing the group to reverse
its stand on homosexuality. Clearly, this was not in response to
any sudden scientific "discovery," but the simple result
of power politics.
As Bayer comments: "The entire process, from
the first confrontations organized by gay demonstrators at psychiatric
conventions to the referendum demanded by orthodox psychiatrists,
seemed to violate the most basic expectations about how questions
of science should be resolved. Instead of being engaged in a sober
consideration of data, psychiatrists were swept up in a political
controversy." Furthermore, "The result was not a conclusion
based on an approximation of the scientific truth as dictated by
reason, but was instead an action demanded by the ideological temper
of the times." The American Psychological Association quickly
followed the psychiatrists' lead, voting in 1975 to reverse its
stance on homosexuality.
Since then, the APA has become an organizing center
for the homosexual movement. Its official website features numerous
postings advocating gay rights, homosexual adoption, and same-sex
marriage. Furthermore, the group ardently opposes all efforts to
change sexual orientation through therapy and intervention. The
APA is also an avid supporter of sex education in the public schools
that indoctrinates children into the homosexual worldview.
The APA's recent resolution claims that denying
civil marriage to homosexual couples is wrongful discrimination
because it "denies such couples, their children, and other
members of their families the legal, financial and social advantages
of civil marriage." In a related action, the group also adopted
a resolution opposing all discrimination against lesbian or gay
parents, including rights to adoption, child custody, visitation,
foster care and reproductive health services.
Psychologist James C. Dobson, President of Focus
on the Family, condemned the APA's decision, arguing that the resolution
"flies in the face of logic, science, and the historical experience
of every culture on the face of the planet." He continued,
"Let's be clear: What we're talking about here is intentionally
creating hundreds of thousands of motherless and fatherless families,
permanently depriving little boys of a father and little girls of
a mother."
The APA was up-front with its intention. Armand
R. Cerbone, a Chicago psychologist who chaired the APA's working
group, explained: "What the resolution is asking is that psychologists
recognize first of all that there is no difference between heterosexual
couples and gay couples." No difference? On this issue, the
APA speaks out of both sides of its mouth. Even as Dr. Cerbone claims
that there is no difference between heterosexual couples and gay
couples, others in the APA argue that homosexuals should be considered
only within their particular life experience and the distinctiveness
of their lifestyle.
As expected, the APA couched its arguments in terms
of therapeutic language. The worldview represented by both the American
Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association
was well described by Philip Reiff in his work, The Triumph of the
Therapeutic. Issues of right and wrong, good and evil, and objective
truth are replaced with notions of the autonomous self and personal
"authenticity." Everything is reduced to a problem that
can be resolved by therapy. This worldview is the perfect foundation
for postmodern America. No one is a sinner, but everyone is sick.
Of course, given the complexities of human life,
the therapeutic community has come up with a diagnosis for virtually
every human ill, real or perceived. The current edition of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders includes a diagnosis
for everyone--including those who don't think they need a diagnosis.
We are all in need of therapy according to the therapeutic worldview,
and those who do not believe themselves to be sick are just providing
evidence of their syndrome of denial.
The framework of the therapeutic worldview goes
hand in hand with other facets of modern and postmodern ideology.
In a weird and perverse nod to collegiality, the APA quotes the
American Anthropological Association in a 2004 statement declaring,
"Anthropological research on households, kinship relationships,
and families, across cultures and through time, provide[s] no support
whatsoever for the view that either civilization or viable social
orders depend upon marriage as an exclusively heterosexual institution."
Really? No support whatsoever for the view that civilization depends
upon marriage as an exclusively heterosexual institution? That statement
is not evidence of responsible scientific thinking--it is merely
one article from the creed of the Church of Postmodern Ideology.
Total acceptance of homosexuality, normalization
of homosexual behaviors and lifestyles, and acceptance of homosexual
relationships now stands as a non-negotiable doctrine of modern
psychology and psychiatry. According to the ethical principles and
guidelines adopted by the APA, it would be unethical for a therapist
to suggest that homosexuality is wrong, sinful, or to be addressed
as a problem.
This comprehensive acceptance of the homosexual
agenda is now enshrined in official policies adopted, not only by
the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological
Association, but also by groups including the American Association
for Marriage and Family Therapy, the American Counseling Association,
the Canadian Psychological Association, and the National Association
of Social Workers, among others.
The APA's policy statement, "Appropriate Therapeutic
Responses to Sexual Orientation," adopted in 1998, includes
a prohibition against therapies that seek to change sexual orientation.
Another document published by the group, "Just the Facts About
Sexual Orientation and Youth: A Primer for Principles, Educators,
and School Personnel," condemns "reparative therapy"
and "transformational ministry" intended to lead persons
out of the homosexual lifestyle and into heterosexuality. The guidelines
published in that document were also endorsed by the American Academy
of Pediatrics, the American Association of School Administrators,
the National Association of School Psychologists, the National Association
of Social Workers, and the National Education Association.
This represents a near total sweep for homosexual
activists--and all at the expense of credible science and medicine.
The fact that the National Education Association and the American
Academy of Pediatrics affirmed the statement should send chills
down the spine of every parent.
The groups are holding to these new-found convictions
with a totalitarian vengeance. A report published last week in The
Washington Times indicates that educators who formed an "Ex-Gay
Educators Caucus" in the National Education Association were
pounced upon by NEA members. One delegate, wearing the rainbow emblem
of the NEA's Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Caucus told one of
the ex-gay members, "I'm really offended that you're even here."
Another said, "You might as well set up a Ku Klux Klan booth
right next to you."
Kevin Jennings, founder of the Gay Lesbian Straight
Education Network [GLSEN] was honored with the NEA's human rights
"Creative Leadership" award at this year's annual convention.
"Ex-gay messages have no place in our nation's public schools,"
Jennings has declared. "A line has been drawn. There is no
'other side' when you're talking about lesbian, gay, and bisexual
There you have it. There is no "other side,"
declares Mr. Jennings. There is no debate, no discourse, and no
need for further discussion. The homosexual activists will not settle
for anything less than total indoctrination, total capitulation,
and the total rejection of the biblical worldview. The final insult
is that they expect us to accept all of this as "science."