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Selected Quote

"There should be an 'Abstract of Principles', or careful statement of theological belief, which every professor in such an institution must sign when inaugurated, so as to guard against the rise of erroneous and injurious instruction in such a seat of sacred learning."

James P. Boyce
from "Three Changes in
Theological Institutions"
- summarized by John Broadus, 1856


1/15/06 Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
08/01/05 Specter predicts Senate override of Bush veto on destructive embryonic stem cell bill
07/29/05 Frist breaks with President Bush, endorses destructive embryonic stem cell research
07/27/05 Two more deaths increase call to pull RU 486 off market; Roe v. Wade would not be binding on Roberts
07/20/05 For now, pro-lifers may have edge against liberal groups on Roberts’ nomination
07/18/05 Senate nears embryonic stem cell vote; Ill. gov. outflanks legislature; FDA sets ruling on ‘morning-after’ pill
07/12/05 Roe reversal would leave seven states with effective abortion bans; WHO makes RU 486 ‘essential’
07/08/05 Appeals court rules against partial-birth abortion ban, calling it unconstitutional
06/28/05 Court accepts pro-life appeal; declines commandments
06/15/05 Schiavo autopsy reports 'undetermined' cause of death; shows no eating disorder or trauma
06/14/05 Judge warns of chaotic reasoning in abortion ruling; ERLC, others commend House Dems for pro-life votes
06/16/05 The Brave New World of Cloning, Part Four--Artificial Reproduction and the Destruction of the Family
06/15/05 The Brave New World of Cloning, Part Three--Genetic Manipulation and the Eugenic Temptation
06/14/05 The Brave New World of Cloning, Part Two--The Cloning of Humans and the Reproductive Revolution
06/13/05 The Brave New World of Cloning, Part One--The Cloning of Animals and the Ethics of Dominion
06/09/05 Family’s crisis made vivid at bioethics conference
06/09/05 Oxford bioethicist: Life’s value evident even to unbelievers
06/09/05 Medical ethics far different than the ’60s, Orr says
06/09/05 Physician amplifies complexity of end-of-life ethics decisions
06/09/05 Bio-tech advances sprint ahead of human ethics, Mitchell says
06/07/05 Lack of health exception still proves unhealthy for partially born infants; court strikes clinic safety requirements
06/01/05 Overseas cloning developments decried; Specter threatens override of embryonic stem cell veto
06/01/05 Prof backs off claim that abortions have gone up under Bush; data says opposite is true
05/27/05 House of Representatives defeats effort to remove ban on military hospital abortions
05/25/05 House passes embryonic stem cell bill; tally not enough to override promised Bush veto
05/23/05 Supreme Court to rule on parental notice for abortion
05/23/05 Stem cell votes set for Tuesday in House of Representatives
05/19/05 President Bush promises to veto embryonic stem cell bill
05/19/05 Group of senators seeks compromise on filibuster, hopes to avoid rule change vote
05/16/05 Historic pro-life bill passes Oklahoma legislature
05/16/05 LIFE DIGEST: Abortion increases risk of premature birth, study shows; Mass. Gov. Romney tries to amend cloning bill
05/12/05 Poll: Pro-lifers may have edge in future Supreme Court battle
05/10/05 LIFE DIGEST: Abortions for Fla. girls in foster care common, judges say; stem cell bill in House gains votes
05/03/05 New Baylor exec backs Planned Parenthood youth program
05/02/05 LIFE DIGEST: New stem cell guidelines 'morally unconscionable,' bioethicist says
04/28/05 House passes bill protecting parental rights on abortions; Senate outlook uncertain
04/08/05 FIRST-PERSON: You call this pro-choice?
04/06/05 Schiavo service participants asked to 'build a culture of life'
04/05/05 Terri Schiavo’s death may be catalyst for review of federal & state end-of-life laws
04/04/05 LIFE DIGEST: Mass. to promote destructive stem cell research; Calif. considers assisted suicide; S.D. pro-life bills now law
04/04/05 Truth comes out? Zogby poll counters others, shows opposition to starving Terri Schiavo
04/01/05 FIRST-PERSON: Baptists care deeply for the Schindlers
04/01/05 FIRST-PERSON: Marriage vows & Michael Schiavo
04/01/05 FIRST-PERSON: Hate what God hates
04/01/05 You may need a 'Will to Live' as opposed to a living will
04/01/05 Disabled threatened by Schiavo case, leaders say
04/01/05 Family members, saying Schiavo 'at peace,' voice gratitude
03/31/05 FIRST-PERSON: Terri Schiavo: enduring questions, part three
03/31/05 FIRST-PERSON: Make sure she didn't die in vain
03/31/05 FIRST-PERSON: From personal experience
03/31/05 Schiavo dies of starvation in Fla. hospice, SBC leader calls it a 'sad day for America'
03/30/05 Appeals court again declines to intervene in Schiavo case
03/30/05 FIRST-PERSON: Terri Schiavo: enduring questions, part two
03/29/05 Court refuses to weigh rejection of Idaho parental consent law
03/29/05 Jesse Jackson, in Florida, lends support to Terri Schiavo
03/28/05 FIRST-PERSON: Government's chief role is to protect life
03/28/05 LIFE DIGEST: Cleft-lip abortion not prosecuted in Britain; justices criticize Roe v. Wade; pro-life bills introduced in Congress
03/28/05 Paper: Fla. officials made attempt to take custody of Schiavo
03/24/05 Does media bias impact opinion polls on Schiavo?
03/24/05 Schiavo supporters continue 24-hour vigil outside of hospice
03/24/05 United States Supreme Court denies Terri Schiavo appeal; Florida judge issues order against state taking custody
03/22/05 Federal judge shuns Schiavo law, DeLay criticizes ruling
03/21/05 Schiavo family's lawyer asks supporters to pray
03/21/05 Pro-life leaders respond with hope as Congress intervenes
03/21/05 House passes bill that could save Schiavo's life, Bush signs it
03/21/05 Renowned neurologist: Schiavo can eat with aid & is not in ‘persistent vegetative state’
03/18/05 Supporters frustrated but determined, hold onto hope for Terri
03/18/05 Terri Schiavo's family saddened, expresses disappointment: ‘We’re worried that all this action has done no good’
03/18/05 House passes bill that could save Schiavo's life, 203-58, President Bush signs it into law
03/18/05 FIRST-PERSON: If Terri Schiavo was a dog ...
03/18/05 Judge in Schiavo case withdraws membership from church
03/18/05 Terri Schiavo feeding tube removed; Congress still working
03/17/05 Legal options for Schiavo reduced by appeals court ruling
03/17/05 Fla. judge ignores subpoenas, gives go-ahead for Schiavo feeding tube removal
02/28/05 Ethical? Attorney says Michael Schiavo not abandoning vows
02/18/05 Senate votes 98-0 to ban genetic discrimination
02/17/05 British miracle baby survives 2-day abortion procedure; child 'defeated all the odds'
02/14/05 FIRST-PERSON: Who's afraid of the fetus?
02/14/05 Judge denies motion to appoint attorney for Terri Schiavo
02/10/05 LIFE DIGEST: Judge rules embryo a human being; pro-lifer leaves DNC race; Oregon teen wins breast cancer suit
02/09/05 Last chance? Terri Schiavo case to be appealed to Supreme Court once again
02/01/05 Schiavo never had appropriate legal representation, court told
01/28/05 FIRST-PERSON: 'Million Dollar' is propaganda for euthanasia
01/25/05 High court permits conflicts by circuit on ‘Choose Life’ plate
01/25/05 History says pro-life movement will prevail, President Bush tells marchers in Washington
01/24/05 U.S. Supreme Court spurns Schiavo appeal
01/21/05 ‘Roe’ asks Supreme Court to overturn abortion ruling
01/17/05 President issues sanctity of life proclamation
01/14/05 Non-embryonic stem cells continue to show promise
01/14/05 FIRST-PERSON: 'Persistent Vegetative State' is often confusing
01/14/05 FIRST-PERSON: The joy of adoption
01/14/05 When they wanted to stop abortions, God provided a way
01/12/05 ERLC to push protection for unborn, marriage, human rights
01/12/05 God’s gift of life helped her heal from abortions, poor choices
01/11/05 LIFE DIGEST: Pro-life candidate stirs up race for DNC chair;
China says 'yes' to girls; new Senate good news for pro-lifers
12/31/04 Court rules against Schiavo; decision may result in her death
12/29/04 Eye-opener: Singer Steven Curtis Chapman says adopting helped him appreciate Gospel
12/27/04 Political battle over embryonic stem cells heats up
12/20/04 Terri Schiavo birthday party underscores her need for care as controversial case continues
12/16/04 Stem cell transplant ‘bit of a miracle’; Supreme Court’s tilt toward Roe;
pro-life options for hospitals challenged; re-examining the pill; woman’s bout with RU 486
12/10/04 ERLC, pro-lifers ask appeals court to uphold partial birth ban
12/09/04 Pro-life ethicists cautious about new stem cell proposals
12/08/04 House report a political attack, abstinence supporters say
12/03/04 Schiavo turns 41; lawyers file appeal with U.S. Supreme Court
12/01/04 Successes from non-embryonic stem cell research mount
11/22/04 Congress OKs pro-life, anti-discrimination abortion measure
11/22/04 United Nations delays action on human cloning ban
11/19/04 Senators back Specter for post ; pro-lifers will monitor him
11/16/04 FDA strengthens RU 486 warning; not enough, pro-lifers say
11/05/04 Judge says Schiavo can live while appeals are pending
11/04/04 In Senate, judicial picks, and Specter, hold key for pro-lifers
11/03/04 Parental notice amendment draws 64.7% approval margin in Fla.
11/03/04 $3 billion embryonic stem cell measure approved in Calif.
10/25/04 'Beyond choice'--Alexander Sanger 's New Case for Abortion
10/18/04 Carnage in the Womb: An Abortion Scandal Rocks Britain
10/12/04 Abortionists Finally Admit the Truth--They Fear Democracy
10/28/04 Calif. to vote on tax-funded embryonic stem research, cloning
10/28/04 United Nations, facing vote on human cloning, keeps tabs on Bush-Kerry race
10/26/04 Rehnquist’s cancer raises issue of Supreme Court in campaign
10/26/04 ERLC think tank: Embryonic stem cell research is immoral
10/26/04 Schiavo’s faith not relevant in life-and-death case, judge rules
10/21/04 Fla. Supreme Court refuses request to rehear case that could save Terri Schiavo’s life
10/19/04 Supreme Court rejects suit on abortion-breast cancer link
10/11/04 Fellow Democrat uses New York Times ad to criticize Kerry's position on abortion, judges
10/11/04 Bush, Kerry discuss stem cells, abortion in 2nd debate
10/06/04 LIFE DIGEST: Euthanasia expands to Dutch children
09/30/04 Now They Want to Kill Children--Euthanasia in Europe
09/10/04 Christian Morality and Test Tube Babies, Part Two
09/09/04 Christian Morality and Test Tube Babies, Part One
09/08/04 3rd federal judge strikes down 2003 partial-birth abortion ban
09/08/04 Survey: Most IVF clinics willing to destroy embryos
09/02/04 Constitutionality of ‘Terri’s Law’ argued at Fla. Supreme Court; Sept. decision expected
08/26/04 Citing Supreme Court ruling, federal judge in N.Y. strikes down partial birth abortion ban
08/25/04 Stem cell polling clashes over research that destroys embryos
08/19/04 Calif. citizens to vote on funding embryonic stem cell research, therapeutic cloning
08/10/04 FIRST-PERSON: Clones from Newcastle
08/10/04 Pro-life Democrats find some hope in abortion-rights party
08/10/04 First lady defends her husband's stem cell policy against Democratic attacks
08/03/04 LIFE DIGEST: Planned Parenthood’s T-shirt gets thumbs down
07/29/04 Terri Schiavo's faith rights must be protected, attorney argues
07/28/04 Ron Reagan’s speech to Dems on stem cell research deceptive, dangerous, ethicists say
07/28/04 FIRST-PERSON: I'm with my dad on stem cell research
07/28/04 FIRST-PERSON: Ron Reagan's call for cloning
07/16/04 Non-embryonic stem cells: Healing for broken bodies
07/16/04 Pro-lifers push to stop experimentation on human embryos
07/16/04 Congress challenges Bush stem cell policy, but president has support of GOP leaders
07/14/04 Democratic candidate Kerry co-sponsors 'clone-and-kill' bill
07/13/04 Reconsider assisted suicide ruling, Justice Dept. asks court
07/07/04 Senate confirms pro-life judge, 51-46, despite opposition
07/06/04 LIFE DIGEST: Pro-lifers hope for partial-birth win in N.Y.
07/02/04 R&B song advocates violence against women who don’t abort
06/30/04 Study: U.S. abortion policies are destroying Democrats -- literally
06/23/04 Fla. Supreme Court agrees to hear Terri Schiavo case
06/10/04 Reagan's essay on abortion key legacy to pro-life movement
06/08/04 Bush urged by 58 senators to relent on embryonic stem cells
06/04/04 LIFE DIGEST: Pressure mounts on Bush to lift stem cell ban
06/02/04 Judicial Activism at its Worst--A Big Win for Abortionists
06/01/04 Judge strikes down partial-birth abortion ban, says law places 'undue burden' on women
05/28/04 Oregon’s assisted suicide law likely headed to Supreme Court
05/25/04 The Empty Cradle--Falling Birth Rates and the Human Future
05/21/04 New bill in Congress requires abortion doctors to inform women of unborn’s pain
05/12/04 The Culture of Death and Its Legacy
05/11/04 Nancy Reagan, 206 in Congress weigh in against Bush on stem cell research
05/11/04 The Culture of Death and Its Lessons
05/10/04 The Culture of Death and Its Logic
05/07/04 Asia's Surplus Sons and Missing Daughters
05/06/04 Fla. judge rules that 'Terri Schiavo Law' is unconstitutional; gov. says he will appeal
04/27/04 Kerry’s abortion view clashes with Catholic church, his past
04/27/04 The March for Women's Lives--The Culture War on Display
04/26/04 Abortion rights marchers in nation’s capital target President Bush’s pro-life policies
04/26/04 FIRST-PERSON: The privilege to reproduce
04/22/04 FIRST-PERSON: Starving the disabled to death
04/20/04 ‘Every’ pregnancy is ‘in God’s hands,’ female doctor says
04/20/04 Kerry television ad slams Bush for his 'anti-choice' position
04/19/04 Abstinence programs reduce teen pregnancy at least 40%, Heritage Foundation says
04/19/04 FIRST-PERSON: Consistent messages about abstinence
04/09/04 The Culture of Death is Losing Its Grip
04/08/04 The Smallest Victims---America Acknowledges the Fetus
04/07/04 LIFE DIGEST: Dems’ losses linked to pro-choice position
04/02/04 President signs rights for unborn victims
04/02/04 Pro-lifers criticize report by president's bioethics council
03/19/04 The Blackmun Papers: One Man's Shadow
03/18/04 Supreme Court came close to nullifying Roe v. Wade
03/18/04 Justice scores wins in behalf of partial-birth abortion ban
03/16/04 Assisted suicides in Oregon increase; 'secrecy' criticized
03/16/04 S.D. senator changes vote, dooming abortion ban bill
03/15/04 Unborn victims bill slated for Senate inaugural vote
03/12/04 Leaders: True Love Waits undergirds abstinence pledges
03/10/04 True Love Waits is 'completely different' from other abstinence programs, leaders say
03/10/04 S.D. gov. requests technical changes to bill banning abortion
02/26/04 House of Representatives passes unborn victims bill, 254-163
02/25/04 S.D. Senate passes bill banning most abortions
02/19/04 The Strongest Argument Against Abortion--the Fetus
02/11/04 The Age of Infanticide: The Culture of Death Marches On
02/05/04 The Brave New World of Sex-Selection Technologies
02/03/04 ANALYSIS: Abortion still a vital issue in presidential campaign
02/03/04 Pro-life laws reduce number of abortions, study says
01/26/04 Bill banning abortion, defining life may pass S.D. legislature
01/23/04 FIRST-PERSON: A dog's life vs. an infant's
01/23/04 Senate approves D.C. vouchers, federal ban on human patents
01/23/04 'Culture of life' emerging in America, president tells marchers
01/22/04 FIRST-PERSON: The name on the card
01/22/04 Post-abortion counseling is important for men, too
01/22/04 Unborn victims bill gains House panel's approval
01/22/04 Conservative resurgence focused SBC's pro-life stance
01/20/04 FIRST-PERSON: Cloning: a call to action
01/16/04 Assisted suicide, euthanasia become issues in Schiavo case
01/15/04 Bush urged to reject over-the-counter 'morning-after pill'
01/13/04 Senate again may be roadblock to pro-life laws during '04
01/12/04 FIRST-PERSON: N.J. -- bringing in the clones
01/12/04 Equipping for pro-life cause among key ERLC aims, Land says
01/12/04 Cal Baptist debate squad takes forfeits for refusing to defend partial-birth abortion
01/05/04 N.J. governor signs into law bill allowing therapeutic cloning, stem cell research
12/31/03 N.J. 'cloning' bill likely to reignite national debate
12/29/03 Judge dismisses need for witnesses in Schiavo case
12/23/03 Report on Terri Schiavo's needs faulted for key shortcomings
12/23/03 For Amber's quality of life, grateful parents pay the cost
12/23/03 Family has entrusted Amber to God since Christmas Eve '95
12/18/03 Two-thirds of teens who had sex wish they had waited
12/18/03 Appeals court upholds Ohio law banning partial-birth abortion
12/17/03 FDA panels urge non-prescription sale of 'morning-after' pill
12/04/03 Guardian's recommendations released for Schiavo
12/03/03 Court hears debate on state ban of funds for ministerial student
12/03/03 President signs adoption law to bolster national commitment
11/26/03 Becky Harber: 'Nobody had a desire to have me, except for God'
11/24/03 FIRST-PERSON: 3 questions in the news
11/13/03 Have Conservatives 'Won' the Abortion War?
11/11/03 Senator's change of heart: from pro-choice to pro-life
11/10/03 Late teen's parents endorse bill to suspend RU 486 approval
11/06/03 The Culture of Death Takes One on the Chin
11/06/03 Partial-birth abortion ban to end 'terrible form of violence' against children, Bush declares
11/06/03 Baby's 'angelic' face haunts former abortion nurse
11/06/03 Partial-birth abortion: dispelling the myths
11/06/03 SBC leaders hope partial-birth ban signals turning point for U.S.
11/06/03 TRANSCRIPT: 'We welcome vulnerable children' into America's 'care & protection'
11/05/03 President Bush signs first restriction on abortion since '73 Roe v. Wade decision
11/05/03 Long road to outlawing partial-birth abortion
11/05/03 Partial-birth abortion & our nation's health
11/04/03 RU 486 behind death of teenager, coroner reports
10/22/03 FIRST-PERSON: The last enemy
10/21/03 Partial-birth abortion ban passes; awaits president's signature
10/17/03 More abortions for Down syndrome may result from new tests
10/03/03 News on the Abortion Front: It's Headline Friday
10/02/03 Partial-birth abortion ban passes House; Senate next stop
10/01/03 Partial-birth abortion ban passes conference minus Senate's Roe v. Wade amendment
08/08/03 Will New Technologies Mean the End of Abortion?

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