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  Home > Issues > Religious Liberty
Selected Quote

"There should be an 'Abstract of Principles', or careful statement of theological belief, which every professor in such an institution must sign when inaugurated, so as to guard against the rise of erroneous and injurious instruction in such a seat of sacred learning."

James P. Boyce
from "Three Changes in
Theological Institutions"
- summarized by John Broadus, 1856

Religious Liberty

08/11/05 Appeals court upholds Pledge in Virginia schools, says 'under God' is constitutional
07/27/05 San Diego voters approve measure to save memorial cross, but challenges are ahead
07/22/05 Cross at heart of San Diego memorial controversy facing vote
06/28/05 Two Decisions, Two Worldviews--The Ten Commandments Cases
06/28/05 FIRST-PERSON: 2 commandments decisions, 2 worldviews
06/27/05 High court gives divided rulings on Ten Commandments
05/31/05 Unanimous court rules in favor of religious liberty for inmates
05/17/05 Appeals court rules ‘In God We Trust’ constitutional
05/12/05 Panel cites leading religious persecutors, rebukes US inaction
05/10/05 Okla. school system adopts religious liberty protection policy
03/30/05 FIRST-PERSON: Check your Bible at the door
03/29/05 Federal appeals court upholds Indiana Ten Commandments
03/22/05 Supreme Court weighs religious liberty law’s impact on prisons
03/01/05 Landmark case? Supreme Court to hear arguments on Ten Commandments displays
03/01/05 Religious liberty lawyer ready for 1st case before high court
02/28/05 Sekulow: Many Ten Commandments displays hang in balance
02/17/05 Judge drops charges against Repent America protesters
02/07/05 Sekulow debates Newdow on church and state relationship
01/26/05 Land: Religious right has won fight with secular fundamentalists
02/02/05 FBI examines pastor’s sermons on abortion & homosexuality
01/25/05 Christians in Nigeria criticize government report on violence
01/25/05 A first: Pakistani lower court acquits Christian of blasphemy
01/24/05 New religion law in China: few gains, more restrictions
01/20/05 Prayer for the nation: inaugural benediction
01/19/05 Supreme Court allows prayer to stay in Bush inauguration
01/18/05 'Leaving in droves': Persecution driving Christians from Iraq as election nears
01/14/05 FIRST-PERSON: Christians must defend the 'Philadelphia Four'
01/14/05 Judge strikes down evolution stickers, admits 'secular purpose'
01/14/05 Atheist Newdow loses in bid to stop inauguration prayer
01/07/05 FIRST-PERSON: The effort to 'shut up' Christians
01/06/05 Newdow gains allies, challenges pledge again
12/20/04 Threats of lawsuits add to hostility toward Christmas
12/20/04 Culture replete with efforts to scrub Christ from Christmas
12/16/04 High court to hear arguments on Ten Commandments March 2
12/09/04 Lawsuit: School bans Christmas colors, Christian-themed gifts
12/08/04 Another appeals court upholds inmates’ religious rights
12/08/04 CULTURE DIGEST: Carols sung after religion banned from parade; UCC sees rise in sales ; liberals dominating colleges
11/19/04 Congress OKs funds for missions repairs despite concerns
11/18/04 China attempts to improve image while simultaneously suppressing Christians
10/12/04 Supreme Court agrees to hear Ten Commandments case
09/20/04 U.S. State Department finally adds Saudi Arabia to list of religious liberty violators
09/16/04 Civilization on the Brink: Cultural Observations
09/15/04 CULTURE DIGEST: Most in Ala. favor Ten Comm. displays
08/05/04 New DNC religion adviser resigns, opposed ‘under God’ in pledge
08/05/04 Criminalizing Christianity: Sweden's Hate Speech Law
08/04/04 New DNC religion adviser opposed ‘under God’ in pledge
08/03/04 Moore seeks reinstatement in appeal to U.S. Supreme Court
06/24/04 FIRST-PERSON: The Supremes get it right
06/22/04 House panel deletes supposed protection for churches
06/14/04 'Under God' stands in pledge; High court cites technicality
06/10/04 Land explains why religious liberty is vital to national interests
06/10/04 Land: House 'Safe Harbor' proposal infringes on free speech
05/24/04 The End of Religious Liberty in Canada
05/21/04 A Christian Newspaper Pulled From the Racks--Why?
05/13/04 Religious freedom commission showing results after 5 years, members say
05/10/04 Pastor's prayer in Jesus' name prompts Fla. politician's apology
03/31/04 FIRST-PERSON: Flat-earth atheism and the Pledge of Allegiance
03/25/04 Pledge supporters expect win; if not, Land predicts quick passage of amendment
03/25/04 FIRST-PERSON: ‘Under God,’ without doubt
03/19/04 Federal judge grants partial victory to Texas church
03/17/04 Religious Liberty In Peril: The Catholic Charities Decision
03/11/04 Land, others decry Calif. Ruling as attack on religious rights
03/10/04 Court rejects Scouts case that could affect religious groups
03/09/04 Roy Moore: Acknowledgement of God was at center of controversy
03/09/04 Wal-Mart store asks man not to pass out church tracts
02/26/04 School board upholds decision to ban ministers' lunch visits
02/20/04 FIRST-PERSON: San Francisco & Judge Roy Moore
02/18/04 7,500 youth sign petition for Pledge of Allegiance
02/18/04 Commission cites 11 countries as religious liberty violators
02/11/04 Attacks on Boy Scouts may expand to religion, U.S. Supreme Court told
01/13/04 Protests hit Grand Canyon book with creation science essays
01/13/04 Pledge case at Supreme Court: arguments slated March 24
01/13/04 Persecution not limited to Christians, Shea says
01/13/04 Experts: Attacks on religious freedom intensifying worldwide
01/12/04 David Limbaugh: discrimination against Christians surging
12/19/03 Panel: Religious freedom report shows need for more action
12/15/03 Religious freedom panel cancels trip to China
12/15/03 Roy Moore files appeal, tells BP many miss 'issue entirely'
12/11/03 Religious rights of prisoners upheld in 3rd federal case
11/20/03 The 'Openness of God' and the Future of Evangelical Theology
11/24/03 FIRST-PERSON: When the foundations are gone
11/13/03 Ala. Justice Roy Moore removed from office by judicial court
11/13/03 Pastor finds FBI unresponsive to homosexual activists' threats
11/13/03 FIRST-PERSON: Chastening a man of valor
11/10/03 Baptist layman: Uphill battle looms for Darwinian theory
11/10/03 In textbook battle over evolution, 'errors' debated, corrected
11/03/03 Supreme Court refuses to hear Ten Commandments appeal
10/23/03 God and General Boykin: A Controversy Worth Watching
10/22/03 Congressmen enter fray over Boykin's Christian beliefs
10/21/03 FIRST-PERSON: Muzzling the wrong dog
10/20/03 FIRST-PERSON: Stabbed in the back
10/01/03 Gallup: Americans support mention of God in public square
10/01/03 FIRST-PERSON: Narrow-minded? All believers are
8/29/03 The Monument Removed: Separation of Church and State?
8/29/03 Appeals court erases student's gift of pencils with Christian message
8/27/03 The Battle of Montgomery: Where Should Christians Stand?
8/27/03 Ten Commandments monument removed from view at Ala. judicial building
8/21/03 Justices overrule Moore, order Ten Commandments display removed
8/19/03 Judge Moore files appeal; supporter corrects media accounts














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